
David Bohm - Užrašai

Fragmentacija - netinkamas padalinimas. Atskiriama tai kas yra viena.
Kultūra - kolektyvinės, intelektualinės žinios

Vertė - išjudinamoji energija.
Reikšmė - apjungia kaip cementas.

Bendras reikšmių laukas

What is attitude to incoherence? Covering up?

We say thought is part of the dance of the mind.

..dance of the mind will affect the brain.

Metaphysical questions affect the brain more than most others because what is true of everything has a powerful affect. Words like always, forever, never, and so on are terribly powerful. They’re used in popular songs because of their power. But they are metaphysical notions.

Therefore, we have to say what is the right attitude to metaphysics. I say metaphysics is part of the process. It’s the dance of the mind. In metaphysics the mind is creatively trying to achieve harmony, but when it gets stuck then it achieves disharmony.

 I should have stated that this is a proposal; not a truth which I am stating. What I have said about all of this is a proposal also into harmony. But just to say I am not putting it as a final truth, but rather it’s the best thing I can see for the time. And that might well be subject to change. We will never get a final — I can’t see us getting a final solution to this question. The dialectical process will go on

 You fold
up a sheet of paper, turn it into a small packet, make cuts
in it, and then unfold it into a pattern.  The parts that
were close in the cuts unfold to be far away.
With an
old-fashioned television set that's not adjusted properly,
the image enfolds into the screen and then can be unfolded
by adjustment.

In classical mechanics, movement or velocity is defined as
the relation between the position now and the position a
short time ago.  What was a short time ago is gone, so you
relate what is to what is not.  This isn't a logical
concept.  In the implicate order you are relating different
frames that are copresent in consciousness.  You're
relating what is to what is.  A moment contains flow or

That is an example of the implicate order:  Meaning enfolds
the whole world into me, and vice versa-that enfolded
meaning is unfolded as action, through my body and then
through the world.  The word hormone means "messenger,"
that is, a substance carrying some meaning. 
Neurotransmitters carry meaning, and that meaning
profoundly affects the immune system.  This understanding
could be the beginning of a different attitude to mind-and
to life.


Kas yra stereotipas?

Atsakas ir refleksas (Response and reflex.)
Kai kurios mintys gali būti labiau panašios į refleksą, nei atsaką, ypač tos, kurios yra įsimintos ir pasireiškia esant tam tikromis sąlygomi
Kai atsakas, tai labiau apgalvotas, stebėjimu paremtas veiksmas.

  • prk. nekintamas pavyzdys, kurio griebiamasi negalvojant, šablonas, trafaretas:
  •  visuomenės sąmonėje funkcionuojantis supaprastintas, schematizuotas, emociškai nuspalvintas kokio nors objekto vaizdinys.
Kokia yra žodžio stereotipas etimologija?

stereotype (n.)
  • PIE *ster- (1) "stiff, rigid, firm, strong" 
  • 1798, "method of printing from a plate -- Nusako kaip metodą
  • from Greek stereos "solid" -- Nusako medžiagos būvį.
  • Old English starian "to stare," 
  • steorfan "to die," literally "become stiff,"
theory (n.)
    1590s, "conception, mental scheme," from Late Latin theoria (Jerome), from Greek theoria "contemplation, speculation; a looking at, viewing; a sight, show, spectacle, things looked at," from theorein "to consider, speculate, look at," from theoros "spectator," from thea "a view" (see theater) + horan "to see," possibly from PIE root *wer- (4) "to perceive" (see ward (n.))

Tikėtinas ryšys su žodžiu star, galbūt todėl, kad spoksodavo į žvaigždes.

stare (v.)
  • Old English starian "to stare, gaze, look fixedly at," from Proto-Germanic *staren "be rigid"

stiff (adj.)
  •  Old English stif "rigid, inflexible," 
  •  PIE *stipos-, from root *steip- "press together, pack, cram"  
  •  Lithuanian stipti "stiffen," stiprus "strong;" 
  • Old Church Slavonic stena "wall".

  • Lithuanian storas "thick," stregti "to become frozen";
  • thick, old rigid, "hard, firm 
Stangus - nelankstus, standus.
Standus - nepasiduodantis deformacijai.
Stingùs ‘linkęs stingti, sustingęs’, la. stings
Sténgia (sténgė, sténgti) ‘galėti, pajėgti; įtempti jėgas ką darant’ stìngsta (stìngo, stìngti) ‘kietėti, darytis nejudriam, nelanksčiam’, Sandartas - galima reikšmė - "tvirtai stovėti".

Stereotipas - elgesio būdas, kuris yra nusistovėjęs, sutvirtėjęs, žinomas daugeliui. Stereotipas tai pavyzdys kaip elgtis. Tai dirbtinis elgesys.

  • in the figurative sense of "to train to behave in a predetermined way."

1. išeities tašku imama samprotavimo mintis, teiginys, premisa
3. prileidžiama, galima, bet neįrodyta mintis:  
Konkrečių žinių trūkumas apie X verčia tenkintis prielaidomis ir spėjimais.
Ar susidarydami išankstinę nuomonę save programuojam iš anksto nulemtam elgesiui ?
Klausimas ar stereotipas yra kaukė? Ar dėl jų pamištame kas esame?


  • kas elgiasi nenuoširdžiai, savo piktą valią pridengia išviršiniu gerumu.
veidmainis > hypocrite
  •  from Greek hypokrites "stage actor, pretender, dissembler,

Kodėl galvojam stereotipiškai?
Kodėl tikim stereotipais? Kodėl įvardinam?

Stereotipų kūrimas susijęs su tikėjimu ir įsitikinimu.
  • Tikėjimas – vieno ar kito reiškinio tikrumo pripažinimas be jokių įrodymų rš.  
  • Įsitikinimas – tikėjimas žinių, pažiūrų, nuomonės tikrumu LTEIV518.
nuomone slov. obnamiš pradžių’ (< *nem- / *nōm-) turi atitikmenis tik bl. kalbose, plg. lie. núomona, núomonė.

manyti/manymas - būti kokios nors nuomonės, būti įsitikinusiam.

mõnas (мaнa, мaн).
1. šmėkla, vaiduoklis, žmogų klaidinanti dvasia:
4. apgaulė 
5. akių dūmimas, fokusas:
Tikėtinas ryšys su žodžiu demonas. Minties personifikacija.

from PIE *dai-mon- "divider, provider" (of fortunes or destinies), from root *da- "to divide"

#David Bohm
  • The proper structure of an assumption or of an opinion is that it is open to evidence that it may not be right.
  • Cultural assumptions are very powerful and you are not usually aware of them, just as you are not normally aware of an accent in the way you talk. Other people can tell you that you've got one, or if you listen carefully you might find it. But the accent is part of your culture. A great deal of your assumptions are part of your culture, too, and this comes out in relationship.

Tacit" means that which is unspoken, which cannot be described—like the tacit knowledge required to ride a bicycle. It is the actual knowledge, and it may be coherent or not. Thinking is actually a subtle tacit process. We do almost everything by this sort of tacit knowledge. Thought is emerging from the tacit ground, and any fundamental change in thought will come from the tacit ground. So if we are communicating at the tacit level, then maybe thought is changing.

Radau lietuvišką terminą, kuris apibūdina tacit žinojimą.
fiziol. dinaminis stereotipas
  • individo sąlyginių (įgytų) refleksų tam tikra išmokta reiškimosi tvarka (nuoseklumas), pvz., žmogaus darbo įgūdžiai, įpročiai; 
  • daugelis sudėtingų ciklinių veiksmų atliekamų automatiškai 
  • refleksų grandinė įsitvirtinusi galvos smegenų žievėje
Žmonių dinaminio stereotipo pavyzdžiais gali būti įvairūs judėjimo veiksmai(važiavimas dviračiu, bėgimas, plaukimas ir kt.)

Susijusios citatos:

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.” ~ Buddha

http://www.nickc-c.com/bohmfttd.htm - FOR TRUTH TRY DIALOGUE