
Laukimas, noras ir tikėjimas

wait, expect

    Lie. geisti giminiškas la. gaidīt ‘laukti’, pr. gēide ‘jie laukia’, s. sl. žĭdati ‘laukti’, s. v. a. gīt ‘godumas’ ir t. t. Ide kalbų žodžiai, reiškiantys ‘geisti’, gali būti susieti su labai įvairiomis sąvokomis: ‘siekti’, ‘laukti’ ar ‘troškulys’, ‘alkis’ ir t. t.

    labai norėti, siekti
    Kiek aš žinau, ide. archetipo *ghei- ‘šviesti, žėrėti, tviskėti’ (kaip tik tokia ar panašia reikšme) niekas nėra rekonstravęs. Bl.-sl. archetipas *geid- (: *gaid- : *gid-) neabejotinai suponuoja lie. gei̇̃-dė, geĩsti ‘labai norėti, siekti’, gaĩdras ‘didelis noras, godulys, geidulys’, gìd-is ‘tas, kuris aistringai trokšta, geidžia’, la. gàidît ‘laukti, aistringai geisti’ (ME I 583), pr. gēid-e (3. pl. praes.) ‘laukti’, s. sl. žid-ǫ, žьd-ati ‘laukti’

General sense of "remain in some place" is from late 14c.; that of "to see to it that something occurs" is late 14c. Meaning "to stand by in attendance on" is late 14c.

expect (v.) 1550s, "wait, defer action," from Latin expectare/exspectare "await, look out for; desire, hope, long for, anticipate; look for with anticipation," from ex- "thoroughly" (see ex-) + spectare "to look," frequentative of specere "to look at" (see scope (n.1)).

Figurative sense of "anticipate, look forward to" developed in Latin and is attested in English from c. 1600. Also from c. 1600 as "regard as about to happen." Meaning "count upon (to do something), trust or rely on" is from 1630s. Used since 1817 as a euphemism for "be pregnant." In the sense "suppose, reckon, suspect," it is attested from 1640s but was regarded as a New England provincialism. Related: Expected; expecting.

expect -> tikėtis
defer action -> atidėti sprendimą
await -> laukti
desire -> norėti
hope -> viltis/tikėjimasis/lūkestis
anticipate - >numanyti/tikėtis/nujausti/užbėgti už akių
regard as about to happen -> manyti, kad netrukus įvyks
trust or rely on -> pasitikėti, ar remtis

Lie. tikėti, la. ticēt gimin. lie. tikti, tiekti, teiktis, tikras, išoriniai ryšiai neaiškūs.

Stereotipų kūrimas susijęs su tikėjimu ir įsitikinimu.
  • Tikėjimas – vieno ar kito reiškinio tikrumo pripažinimas be jokių įrodymų rš.  
  • Įsitikinimas – tikėjimas žinių, pažiūrų, nuomonės tikrumLTEIV518.

Realybė, kuri atrodo kaip tikrovė. Iliuzija yra realybė, bet ne tikrovė.
Tikėjimas gali atrodyti kaip tikrovė tikinčiajam, dėl tikėjimo sukeltų jausmų ir kitų kūno pokyčių. Tačiau jei bet koks tikėjimas, net ir klaidingas gali sukelti panašius pokyčius kūne.
Energija jaučiama kūne priklauso nuo to kuo tikime, ko norime, geidžiame.

„Viltis – durnių motina.“Lietuvių liaudies patarlė

Pastebėjau šį reiškinį, kai nusiteiki, kad filmas bus labai geras. Nusivili, jei neatitinka tavo įsivaizdavimo ir tuo metu patiriamas nusivylimas.

„Jei iš aplinkos nieko nesitikėsi – niekada nebūsi apviltas.“ -Sylvia Plath, poetė 

Ar emocinė būsena patiriama tuomet kai nori kas butų vienaip, o atsitinka kitaip. Atsiranda prieštaravimas tarp vaizduotės nuotraukos kai turėjo atrodyti ir to kaip atrodo. Ar ta emocija yra noras kas būtų taip kaip įsivaizduoji? Kodėl, ar todėl, kad įsivaizduojant patiriamas malonumas? Ir siekiama jį pakartoti. o kai tai neįvyksta įvyksta palyginimas tarp to ką įsivaizdavai į to ką turi. Tai tas palyginimas sukelia nusivylimą?

early 14c., "illusory appearance," from Old French fantaisie, phantasie "vision, imagination" (14c.), from Latin phantasia, from Greek phantasia "power of imagination; appearance, image, perception," from phantazesthai "picture to oneself," from phantos "visible," from phainesthai "appear," in late Greek "to imagine, have visions," related to phaos, phos "light," phainein "to show, to bring to light" (see phantasm). Sense of "whimsical notion, illusion" is pre-1400, followed by that of "fantastic imagination," which is first attested 1530s. Sense of "day-dream based on desires" is from 1926. In early use in English also fantasie, phantasy, etc. As the name of a fiction genre, from 1949.

illusory appearance->iliuzinis apipavidalinimas
imagination -> vaizduotė/fantazija/įsivaizdavimas
vision -> vizija/vaizdų seka/įsivazdavimas
vizija ->  tariamas vaizdas, regėjimas, fantazijos sukurtas paveikslas;
hallucination -> an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.

You accept the idea of rebirth on the assertion of another without ever questioning his knowledge, which may be imagination, hallucination, or the projection of a wish. Craving self-perpetuation, immortality, you become incapable of true discernment. If you do not say, ''I know,'' you then say, ''I believe in reincarnation because it explains the inequalities of life.'' Again, this belief, which you say is prompted by intuition, is the outcome of a hidden hope and craving for continuity.

There are three conditions of mind: ''I know,'' ''I believe,'' and ''I do not know.''
If you do not say, ''I know,'' you then say, ''I believe in reincarnation because it explains the inequalities of life.'' Again, this belief, which you say is prompted by intuition, is the outcome of a hidden hope and craving for continuity.

We begin to discern what is true only when all want has ceased, for want creates beliefs, ideals, hopes, which are mere escapes.
When the mind is no longer seeking security in any form, or demanding explanations, or relying on subtle influences, then, in that state of nakedness, there is the real, the permanent.

Begin to be aware of them, not by judging, but by silently observing and discerning whether certain reactions are harmful, limited. That very discernment, that awareness itself, without creating an opposite quality, dislodges from the mind those resistances and harmful restrictions. When you ask, ''How am I to get rid of my limitations?'' it indicates that you are not aware of them, that there is not a strenuous effort to discern. There is a joy in this strenuous awareness, in the struggle itself. Awareness has no reward.

 If you analyze that urge, you will perceive fundamentally that where there is a promise of security and happiness, the desire for these is so great that it blinds comprehension, discernment; and authority is worshiped as a means to the satisfaction of the many cravings.

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