6: Vision and Acceptance
3: Expression and Sensitivity
3: Expression and Sensitivity
Understanding Life Purpose
Those on the 33/6 life path are here to work through issues of perfectionism, emotional expression, and self-doubt in order to bring forward their inspiring vision of life's possibilities, while appreciating the innate perfection of the present moment. This world contains both beauty and ugliness, kindness and cruelty. Those working 33/6 energy, with their high ideals and accurate sensitivity, ten to feel disheartened by the problems of imperfections of the world, but they suppress their sadness and even their ander as they attempt to "do the right thing" doe to their high standards. Ironically, even with their depth of emotions, 33/6 can appear cool and unemotional.
When 33/6s displease someone - anyone - even though they may not acknowledge it, they are troubled by this, because they combine the emotional needs of 3s with the sensitive conscience of 6. Therefore, 33/6s needs to take care not to let themselves be manipulated in their desire for approval and their strong social needs to be liked and respected.
The lives of 33/6s grow brighter when they realize that their vision, hopes, and high ideals are here to inspire them, not become the yardstick by which they measure the world. They need to appreciate that in the world of form, no perfect person, performance, or product exists; they also need to appreciate and express their vision of the inherent or higher level of perfection already existing in the world.
Although their basic life purpose is the same as that of other 6s, 33/6s have a distinctly different energy due to the powerful influence of the double 3. As they do for birth numbers 22/4 and 44/8, double numbers represent significant strengths and added challenges.
For 33/6s, the double 3 means that their inner expression needs to manifest before outer expressiveness can bloom. Inner expression entails 33/6 communicating with themselves and getting in touch with their own inner feelings. This posed a clear challenge for most 33/6s because their perfectionistic nature tends to fixate on the "best", most ideal way to feel, to be, and to act; they loose touch with the real, not always "nice", feelings that make up entire complex of their personality. Although 33/6s don't rely on denial as much as 42/6s or 24/6s, it may take time and insight work for them to finally accept their real feelings.
Getting in touch with an accepting their most authentic feeling opens channels to their subconscious wisdom and intuitions, and enables them to form and enjoy a more compassionate, empathic bond with others.
Once 33/6 contact their own feeling, the second 3 involves finding the courage to express their feeling to others; again, this is difficult because they are very sensitive to criticism, and they want to appear in the very best possible light. In some cases, their standards are so high, they just give up. Expressing their feelings entails a certain vulnerability and leaves 33/6s open to others. If they take the risk, they are rewarder with closer relationship with others and with themselves.
Contracting and expressing feeling doesn't end the challenge of double 3 beecause 33/6 are prone to disillusion, disappointments, and general frustration when life doesn't meet their expectations. Because of this, they tend to express themselves in the negative, through complaining, criticizing, gossiping, judging, or name-calling. Of course, 33/6s then turn around and judge themselves for advertising their judgements out loud. Such negative expression, however, is preferable to denial or withholding feeling, as a stem in the direction of self-expression. In the sort run, it may be better for 33/6s to express in the negative that hold in their expression and not speak at all - at least until they learn to express their feeling authentically in more positive ways.
Even though many 33/6s feel compelled to complain, judge, condemn, and otherwise express in the negative, they can develop the skill to express the save idea honestly in a positive way. It's very important for 33/6s (or anyone working 3) to realize that anything they express in negative ways, they can also express in positive ways. The Law of Choices addresses this key area.
The destiny of 33/6 relies on their cultivating their natural, highminded vision of the bigger picture - ability to see the inherent beauty, opportunity, and the teachings of life's up and downs. Having cultivated their vision, they need to learn to use their expressive energies and abilities in the most constructive, uplifting, even enthusiastic ways. This doesn't mean denying and injustice or problems or seeing only the sunny side of life; it means recognizing and accepting all that happens, whether we like it or not, as fuel for out growth and learning.
With the deuble 3 energy, 33/6s have two doses of self-doubt, which can drag them down because of the weight of their ongoing, stratospheric standards, unless they recognize that the hurdle for what it is and deal with it. They can balance their perfectionistic tendencies by remembering that every incident reflect "the universal teacher" marking every circumstance a perfect opportunity to learn.
Self-doubt and perfectionism comprise the bigger hurdles for 33/6s. The combination tends to send them of a never-ending quest for self-improvement. 6s love to improve themselves and everything else, and the self-doubt of 3s sends them swinging from maniac overconfidence to depressive doubt. Very competitive, they constantly judge and compare themselves to others to see how they're doing. If they don't feel like they're doing well enough, they may push themselves, strive for lofty goals, and reach for perfection. If they succumb to self-doubt, they may step out of the game, just get by, or drop out, disheartened and defeated, victim to the logic, "If I don't try, then, I can't really fail". If they stay in the game, however, they end up doing well because of their inherently bright, sensitive, and intuitive nature.
Nearly all 33/6s are more interested in goals that in the sometimes lengthy process necessary to reach them; unlike 4s, who have trouble tolerating slow, careful steps, 33/6s are willing to go through the steps, but they want to do it quickly so that they can reach the ideal, the end product. They see the completed vision before them and want to achieve it; they want to arrive almost before they've begun. Like 4s, 33/6s need to apply the Law of Process, not because they're reluctant to go step-by-step, but rather as a reminder to slow down and enjoy the journey.
Most 33/6s feel a strong need for emotional support and love; even though many people love and admire them, they may not feel it until they come to love and accept themselves and to see their own beauty and light.
Working 33/6 in the Positive
Surrounded by a bright energy field reflecting purity and clarity, these sensitive individuals have an attractive energy and enthusiastic way of helping other to see their own perfection and the positive side of every issue. Their body is strong because they've developed and refined it through proper exercise and diet. They accept their shape whether or not it meets anyone else's idea of perfection. They see the inherent perfection of others, and they have come to accept themselves; self-evaluation has changed to self-validation. They always have a kind word or good thing to say about others. They laser eyesight can spot the beauty in anyone or anything; they see the higher beings we are all becoming. With their high standards and sense of fairness, they work for justice, righ, and truth in constructive ways.
Working 33/6 in the Negative
Tight-lipped, inhibited outsiders, these individuals have down-turned corners of their mouth that indicate their disappointment with most people and their anger and frustration about the world. "It isn't fair" is the battle cry of these harsh critics, as they judge the world against unreachable ideals. They hold in their expression or let it out in negative tirades and complaints as their laser vision points out the flaws in everyone and everything. Their body holds tension with extra fat or extra muscle as body armor to insulate them from world that feels burdensome due to their own self-imposed standards.
Life-Path Issues
The source of energy for 33/6s comes from having a cause, an idea, or an ideal that inspires them. Most have strong, healthy body, but due to their sensitivity and depending on their emotional state, they may sometimes, have to deal with sore throats due to unexpressed feelings. When nervous or pressured by feeling that hey "have to do well," they sometimes experience a "nervous stomach". The stress they impose upon themselves with their standards can manifest in muscular tension, especially in the jaw; as occasional skin rashes; or even as asthma if the world seem to press in upon them as they try to meet their own impossible high standards.
All of preceding problems or conditions reflect those working 33/6 energy in the negative; these issues are not inevitable or necessary. Health conditions can improve significantly once 33/6s (or people working with other birth numbers) learn to ease up and go with the flow.
Good advice for any 33/6s would be to eat what they feel good about and feel good about what they eat. Because of the 3 energy, emotions play an important role in anything they do. They tend to aspire to and work toward an optimal diet, depending upon their knowledge of nutrition and their instinctive feel. Although not an issue for most 33/6s, some may be vulnerable to anorexic eating disorders due to a distorted body image of not being slim enough or not being perfect enough.
Most 33/6s do well with clear-cut fitness exercises; they naturally look for most perfect form of exercise for them, even one that fills emotional or social needs. Many also enjoy skill training, such as martial arts, where they can refine and hone skills to "perfection." Of the top five martial artists I have known, three happen to work the 33/6 life path.
Emotions aren't "reasonable", neat, orderly or predictable, and 33/6s may have difficulty letting their hair down and getting wild and passionate(unless, of course, they're skillful actors like 33/6s Meryl Streep and Robert DeNiro) Overcoming self-doubt and the fear of others opinions may take a little time for 33/6s. Until they are willing to express their feeling directly - as in "I feel hurt!" - they tend to strife upsets to "keep their cool".
When emotions are held back, so are relationships. Those working 33/6 need to realize that their partner or spouse want to love them, not somebody with perfect mask. The more genuine and vulnerable they can act and the more they can feel, "Here's who I am, the good and the bad - take it or leave it," the better.
Sexually, many 33/6s feel distance or inhibition rather than wild abandon because of their concern with technique oro performance - with "how well they're doing" - rather then with the pure emotional content of lovemaking. In some cases, if they haven't yet understood their perfectionistic tendencies, their sexual feeling may diminish due to repressed anger resulting from judgements about their lover. In the positive, 33/6s form nurturing, giving relationships, sexual and otherwise.
Talents, Work and finances
Unless they allow self-doubt to stop them, the high standards of 33/6s make them naturally prone to success, because they do very good work (even though they don't always feel that way). They have deep emotional sensitivity, whether or not they show it and a mind that focuses and directs a profound intuitive intelligence. To succeed, however, they need to get a grip on their ideal, stay practical and realistic, and keep positive.
The desire of 33/6s for precision, along with their expressive and intuitive abilities, can shive through many different occupations, such as teaching, training, organization work, design and architecture, and illustration. Actors, dancers, and athletes who are 33/6s study their craft deeply; they are consummate professionals. Many 33/6s make excellent, prolific writers; they excel at anything having to do with communication, feelings, and expression. They tend to offer that extra touch and to work conscientiously toward high standards.
If any problems arise in the financial arena, self-doubt and perfectionist procrastination probably lie at the source. Whenether 33/6s experience a lack of abundance, this may stem from self-worth issues - from unrealistically devaluing themselves and being afraid to step up and let the world know what they're worth. When they come to know and appreciate themselves - and to express their true emotions - they also express the joy of life.
Keys to Fulfilling your Destiny
If you are working 33/6, this section can help you manifest your life purpose by focusing your attention on core issues and generating specific action to transform key areas of your life.
Guidelines and Recommendations
- Reconnect with your real - not your ideal -feelings
- Express your feelings, not just your thoughts.
- Acknowledge you sensitivity, and let others see it.
- Appreciate who you and others are right now.
Useful Questions
1. Reflect of the following questions
- How do I use my expressive energy?
- Do I sometimes feel burned by self-doubt and overly idealistic standards?
- Can I appreciate who I am right now?
- Do I let people know how I feel?
2. If these questions generate any insights, how might you put these insights into practice.
Spiritual Laws: The Leverage to Change Your Life
The Law of Flexibility: Staying flexible, we make the best use of difficulties and changing circumstances.
The Law of Perfection: High vision can inspire us, but excellence is the best we can achieve.
The Law of Choices: We can express ourselves in positive or negative ways; the choice is ours.
The Law of Intuition: As we stop comparing ourselves to others, we connect with our heart's wisdom.
The Law of the Present Moment: Impatience and regrets dissolve in the recognition that only now exists.
Consider how you might apply each law to your life.
1990-05-19 = 34
34/43 - Gyvenimo skaičius.
3+4= 7 Pagrindinis gyvenimo kelias.
34/7 3 - Lengviausiai prieinamos pamokos, 4 - svarbiausios pamokos, kad įgyvendintum gyvenimo kelią.
43/7 - atvirkščiai.